Get Hosting In Just Rs.60/Month From Royal Clouds

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Hey Readers, if you guys are looking for some cheap hosting service provider then now its time to relax and enjoy cheapest & fastest Hosting Service from one of the most trusted & dedicated Hosting Provider named as Royal Clouds. 

RoyalClouds is a Proud Indian Hosting Platform Where you can host your websites, blogs, wordpress sites and blogs. RoyalClouds is the best option for those who are looking for a cheapest wordpress hosting as you can start with us at only 60Rs./Month.

RoyalClouds is a proud Proud Indian Hosting platform and they got very fast & fresh server with 8TB Hard Disk space.
Join RoyalClouds

Hosting Provider
Just Rs.60/Month

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RoyalCloud’s Shared Hosting Plans :

↓↓ Starter : Rs.60/Month ↓↓

=>  10GB Space  
=>  200 GB Bandwidth  
=>  24/7 Full Support  
=>  1 Domain Host
=>  1 FTP Account

↓↓ Deluxe : Rs.180/Month ↓↓

=> 100GB Space
=> 500 GB Bandwidth
=> 24/7 Full Support
=> 5 Domain Host
=> 10 FTP Account

↓↓ Unlimited Rs.240/Month ↓↓

=> Unlimited Space
=> Unlimited Bandwidth
=> 24/7 Full Support
=> Unlimited Domain Host
=> Unlimited FTP Account

Earn Using RoyalClouds Affiliate Program : By using their Affiliate program, you can grab free Hosting Service. Refer 100 freinds & get 1 year unlimited hosting + free domain, while referring 1000 friends will give you 1 Year Unlimited Re-Seller free and one free domain.

Features :

  • Data Security – RoyalClouds provides daily automatic backup of your data for up to the previous 14 days. So never get worried for your data.
  • Data Monitoring – RoyalClouds provides better data monitoring via your desktop or smartphone for all plans domains.
  • Quality Support of 24/7 –RoyalClouds’s Technical Team is always there to assist you with any aspect of your hosting experience.
  • Advanced Storage – Unlike other hosting companies, We lets you use solid-state drives to host all types of data.
  • Technical Service – We hand-pick our team and only choose the most knowledgeable and friendly technicians.
  • Bugs Free – We protect your website from viruses, hackers, search engine blacklists.

So, that’s enough to introduce you to the RoyalClouds. Hope you guys will love Hosting Service of RoyalClouds. 

Comments will be appreciated for more queries, Thank you for visiting OMG Tricks, stay tuned with us for more offers & loots.


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